Shyanne's Profolio

Counting in Different Number Bases
The assignment that was given was to make a webpage displaying 10 Based, Binary, and HEX numbers. I used the text command to write these 3 different number types in columns. I coded the first 17 numbers of each of these number types. The way the programming went was good. I believe that the assignment was simple to do. Can't say I had any problems just becuase the project was really straight forward and also since i only had to use one easy command to do it.

Swarm Drones Article
The article that I as reading in class and was researching about in class was called "The Era of The Drone Swarm is coming, and we need to be ready for it". Click here The author of this article is named Zachary Kallenborn. The article was about that people should be warned about drones. The article is mainly drones are becoming too advanced. Meaning that the drones can soon become a problem. Only because they might have the ability to control themselves and could end up starting a revolution.

One of my parteners was reading an article called "Robots can now pick up any object after inspecting it". The article was made by Adam Conner-Simons, Rachel Gordon, and CSAIL reseachers. Click here. What the article was stating to readers was that they're in the process of creating robots that can pick up items with just having it in their vision. they aren't done yet, but they're close to perfecting what they're trying to do exactly.

Straw Structure
For this assignment, we were suppose to create a bridge at least 11 inches with straws, since that was the biggest bridge ever made in class. We were put into groups of 4 and got put to work.

Of course there were issues when all of us were trying to design and actually create/build the bridge. In the beginning we had trouble because we were going build the bridge across the bridge the table to make the length of it longer, so we could get to 11 inches + faster. Unfortunately, we soon learned that we couldn't do that. So then, we took the structure we had down and started again from scratch.

Another problem my group and I faced was after we restarted to build our second bridge model, we couldn't figure out a way to make a base structure where it would be string eniough to hold the whole bridge up correctly.
What I care about & Why

One of the things that i care about is Mental Health. The reason why is because I know that for a while now, i've kind of been struggling with my own mental health. With me handling it, has been a gangatic struggle. The state that I'm in, is definietly not the best and I am proud that I can finally admit that to myself now. I have been getting better with it just because i'm learning to fully understand the reasons why my mental health has been messed up. This is the reason I decided to make my program about this topic just because of what I'm going through and I think it's important to help other people know they aren't alone and for them to know some little tatics on how to cope with it

Two problems that I've faced so far are, once finding a song to use in the background to play while the prgram is being played. I really want a song playing just because it believe it be more soothing to people when there going through the different tatics that I present in the program. I still have yet to solve this issue. U can at least say that I have two songs in mind that I think would be nice to play. The second problem ive had is that I didn't know how many options on how to deal with your sadness to put into the program. the way I solved this is by shortening it down to 4 options because those are the top four ways that I believe people can really find helpful.

My Schedule
Click here

when you click on this link it will take you to a glitch page where we were assigned to take our schedule and rewrite it as a program.

Biometrics & Augmented Reality

What is Biometrics?

The Ship Assembly Plant

For this assignment for this project was to use the program called glitch to create a program that turns out to be a spaceship.We desgined these ships in class. Our teacher had us draw the ships out first and then color them how we would want them in the program. You can see below the desgin I made for my spaceship. It's a combination of four different colors, which are purple,blue,grey,and white.

The main problems that I've had throughout creating my spaceship was first, the way I wanted to design it. I was struggling on how I wanted the spaceship to look. I drew around like four to six different types of ships and didn't like any of them because I thought they were all too weird looking. So to reslove my problem I just decided to look up some pictures of some cartoon spaceships. I ended up picking one of the cartoons I've seen when I looked up pictures of cartoon spaceships.

This is the coding I used to create the spaceship

Bounce project 1 Click here

I Inserted links instead of screenshot because I don't know how to screenshot on my computer Before I changed the program, it was originally white and grey. One circle was white and the other was a light grey. The background of the program was a darker grey. They all contrastes with each other. I changed one of the cirlces to a light green color and then the other circle, I changed it to a darker green color. The background to the darkest color green.

Bounce Project 2 Click here

For this project, I create six more toy balls in the program and had them move around like the other three original toy balls. The three balls that were already there were all different colors. so I decided to make the six balls also all different colors. After I made the code for the six additional toy balls, I made them red, brown, orange, purple, navy blue, and light pink. Then I just switched the sizes of the balls to half of what the original balls were.

Bounce Project 3 Click here

For this project the original program had two hundred balls bouncing all over the screen. I decided to change the color of the background and the balls. I changed them both to a blue shade. With the programming, I switched it to only have ten balls bouncing on the screen instead of the two hundred that was originally programmed.

Bounce Project 4 Click here